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About Us

Welcome to WorldMoments Learn and Travel! We are a place where you can learn spanish online in a quick and fun way with teachers from Colombia. Also you find hand selected travel ideas around South America.

So, who we are?

We are a group of family, friends and colleges, who first met at a Spanish school in Bogotá, Colombia in 2016. Lucía was the academic coordinator of that school after 10 years of  teaching Spanish,  and Daniel was one of her students. Daniel not only learned Spanish in Bogotá but also traveled through Colombia, Ecuador and Peru at this time.


The mix of passions – to explore South America and his cultures at one hand and video production at the other was the foundation of WorldMoments in 2017. Throughout this time Daniel met his friends Chris and Roberta, who shared in common the great passion to travel in Colombia and other countries as well as learning Spanish to connect with the locals.


Tatiana and Johana who love to talk about their homeland and are passionate about traveling, joined along the way. Now we all have in common to share unforgettable places in Colombia, Peru and other countries of South America and a great plan to learn Spanish quickly in an enjoyable way. This sounds appealing to you? Then contact us today and join our growing team.

WorldMoments started 2017 as a digital guide of selected travel ideas from a new perspective – the birds eye view. Three years later in 2020 we started our Online Spanish school and added already more than 250 hand picked tourist places in Colombia and Peru.

Why open an Online Spanish school for foreigners?

We are fascinated by the concept of learning, but having the freedom to travel wherever you want and continue learning while on the go.


We think traveling to simply take photos is not traveling, it is much more profitable to interact with the locals and get involved in their culture, which is rich and diverse. As many of you know, Latin America is a great place where Spanish is spoken in 20 countries and almost 500 million people speak Spanish in the world as their mother language. Most of them are not fluent in English.


More and more people realize that Spanish is gaining a lot of territory and is becoming the second most studied language in the world, after English. Our Spanish teachers are increasingly in demand. So don’t be left behind! Move with the world and give yourself the opportunity to learn more about this beautiful culture and to open more doors in your life by learning Spanish with us.

How can I contribute?

You share our passion and like to teach spanish, tell your travel stories or show your videos or images at WorldMoments? We are continuously searching people, who like to work together with us. Contact us today and join our growing team.
